Spear Camden

Be part of transforming the lives of young people in Camden by giving or volunteering as an individual or corporate. We cannot do this without the support of our partners.

Our award-winning programme works to inspire and help young people aged 16-24 who are not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET) to succeed in long-term employment. It starts with a highly interactive six-week coaching programme that helps young people overcome challenging attitudes and behaviours. It also includes practical training such as writing a good CV and mock interview practice. The young people are then supported for a year to help them find a job and succeed in work.

Watch Khadeejah’s story

See the difference that the Spear Programme can make to a young person’s life.

We are thrilled with the success of the Spear Programme:

We are thrilled that over 75% of those who complete the Spear Programme get into work or further training and are still there a year later.

Over 8,500 young people have completed the Spear Programme so far and we are so excited to welcome many more in the years to come.

Get involved with Spear Camden:


The most valuable way to give is through a regular donation by Direct Debit or via your company’s Payroll Giving Scheme. Regular giving allows us to improve the planning for our work and to avoid lean periods, which means that we can be even more effective at helping young people build their future.


Volunteers play a vital role in the Spear programme. Some of the ways you can get involved include:

  • Mock interviews
  • Group mock interviews
  • Industry panels
  • Job application workshops
  • Helping set up a Celebration

Attend a Spear Celebration

Spear Celebrations marks the end of the six-week programme. Over the course of an evening you can meet our young people and help their friends and family to celebrate their achievements. It is a really powerful evening and we would be honoured to have you join us.